Trail Reports
Sheboygan county snowmobile trails closing 2/22/25 at 6 am
All Sheboygan county snowmobile trails will close at 6 am on 2/22/25. Trail condition detreated rapidly today. The sun was not our friend today. We recommend you no longer ride.
Sheboygan county trail report 2/20/2025 Partial closing.
All Sheboygan county snowmobiles trails south of Hwy 23 will close at 6 am on Thursday Feb 20th. 2025. Section 7 Green bush trails will remain open. All trails north of Hwy 23 will remain open. More snow north.
Please remember that Sheboygan falls trail from Hwy 23 to Playbird road to Howards Grove is also closed due to a landowner complaint about new seeding.
Please be aware. Trail conditions and closures can change rapidly. Check before you leave. Riding on closed trails is trespassing
Sheboygan county trail report 2/19/2025 Update
Trail conditions vary across the county. Trails north of Hwy 23 have more snow cover than the trails south of Hwy 23. Trails north of Hwy 23 are holding up very well. The clubs south of Hwy 23 are currently discussing possible closure times and dates. (Section 7 Greenbush trails will remain open). Watch for possible trail closure south of Hwy 23 soon.
Update 2/19/2025 12 pm....Sheboygan falls trail north of Hwy 23 and Playbird road where Falls/Howards Grove meet is closed. Landowner concern with minimal cover and new seeding. The gate will be closed at Hwy 23 and signs will be put up on Playbird road. Riding on this trail could lead to trail closures.